Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

// about service

User Security Awareness Training

A proper educational plan for employees on cyber security is one of the most important steps in mitigating cyber security risk. PavSoftware offers a range of cyber security employee awareness workshops that will help the IT security department to achieve their goals and increase the awareness between the employees about cyber threats.

PavSoftware user awareness training sessions demonstrate to employees why their organization is a target for cyber-attack. During the workshop our team of experts will demonstrate different techniques that attackers might use against the company, and how an employee can detect this kind of attacks. The sessions examine the major cyber threat groupings, giving relevant and real life examples to present the threat.

Attendees will learn practical and simple tips to protect themselves from social engineering, social networks, phishing attacks, spear phishing attacks or attempts to steal their password. By providing a proper cyber security training session to the staff, they are more likely to detect and report suspicious activity, that can limit the damage of a potential incident.

Our end user security awareness training can be tailored for specific sector or roles.


Numbers Don't Lie

Studies show security-related risks are reduced by 70% when businesses invest in cybersecurity awareness training. Humans and technology need to work together to detect and respond to cyber threats. Management of the urgent IT security problems like social engineering, spear-phishing and ransomware attacks is an absolute must if companies expect to stay safe.

// our service

Administrator Security Awareness Training

PavSoftware also offers live administrator security training. Ensuring your IT admins are following security best practices is critical. If any administrator is compromised, multiple systems and networks are left open to cyber criminals.

By training your IT administrators you can reduce the risk of critical security events affecting your IT systems, provide IT admins with an easy to follow set of security best practices and help improve security compliance across the board.